proimporter Release 23.6.0

News from proimporter: Release 23.6.0 is now available!
We are pleased to announce that a new proimporter release is now available. Version 23.6.0 includes a variety of improvements, new features, and bug fixes to further enhance your experience with our software.
Note: For smooth tool performance, we recommend all customers who are on proimporter version 22.11.0 or below to update to version 23.6.0.
New Features:
Technical log file now accessible to end users with a click
End users now have direct access to the technical log file. In case of an error message or system error (e.g., incorrect username/password input), a prompt window will appear asking the user to open the technical log file. The user will be automatically redirected to the corresponding folder. Alternatively, you can access the technical log file via the menu item “?”. This feature applies only to system errors, while any import errors will still be documented in the import log / repot. This significantly facilitates access to log files.
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Notification upon closing the import log
A notification will now appear every time you close the import dialog. If necessary, you can perform a rollback function. This way, you always have control over your import actions and can undo changes if needed.
Connection Manager
Additionally, we have improved the Connection Manager to make your work more efficient.
- The import function of the WhiteList has been expanded to provide even more flexibility in importing.
- Enhanced usability: When entering the Connection ID, the path used for storage will now be immediately visible.
Enhancement of the validation function:
- Resource Calendars: If a resource has been assigned a Resource Calendar that is not included as the top-level item in P6 but rather under another calendar, this resource calendar will now be additionally validated.
- Cost Accounts: To prevent import errors due to duplicates, Cost Accounts are now validated based on both name and ID.
- Roles: The validation process for roles has been expanded. Previously, only the uniqueness of the ID was checked; now, Role Names are also validated for uniqueness.
Improvement of the import performance via web services
We have optimized performance for imports via web services to further increase the speed and efficiency of the import process. Enjoy a smoother experience when importing data with our software.
Various bug fixes
We have carried out bug fixes to further improve your user experience. Thanks to your valuable feedback, we have identified and resolved any bugs to ensure the stability and reliability of proimporter.
What’s coming next? Stay up to date with our proimporter roadmap for all upcoming features and releases!
Do you have questions? We have the answers!
If you have any questions or suggestions, we are happy to help you. Simply use the contact information form or our chat function to get in touch.
We are always working on improving our services and offerings for you. Your feedback is very important to us, so please feel free to share your thoughts and participate in our short proimporter survey.
proimporter webinar – now make project imports even easier!
At regular intervals, we offer a free tool demo (in both German and English) for proimporter. You can find all further dates for the year 2023 in our event calendar.
The next date:
When? 14.07.2023, 09:00 am - 09:30 am
Where? Online
Language? German