proimporter Release 23.12.0

News from proimporter: Release 23.12.0 is now available!
We are pleased to announce the latest update for proimporter is now available for download. Release 23.12.0 brings some handy features and improvements to further optimize your imports in Primavera P6.
Note: To ensure a smooth performance of the tool, we recommend all customers who are on proimporter version 23.9.0 or below to update to version 23.12.0.
New Features:
Import of Role & Assignment Codes
With the rollout of Oracle® Primavera P6, version 21.12, proimporter now enables the import of Role & Assignment Codes into P6 target databases (please note that PPM databases are not supported). Two new tabs can be found under "Codes/UDF" to view and customize Role & Assignment Codes.
Import of Role Rates
Role rates can now be imported into P6 target databases (from P6 version 20.4, older versions are not supported).
Comparison of Calendars
With the help of the new calendar comparison function, calendars can be compared directly with other calendars that already exist in the P6 target database. Clicking on the calendar icon in the "Compare" column opens a separate dialog box in which similarities, differences, and discrepancies can be seen quickly.
Further Enhancements:
Display of the import target EPS
The selected target EPS is now displayed in the proimporter user interface and the import log.
Implementation of selection buttons for hierarchical elements
Elements can now be expanded or collapsed in the user interface by clicking on "Expand/Collapse All" or on "+/-". Individual elements can also be opened or closed via the context menu by right-clicking.
Extension of the Validation Function:
- Validation for private Resource Calendars: Private Resource Calendars can only be assigned to one Resource in P6. In case a private Resource Calendar exists in the XER file, which is also identified with the same name in P6, the import calendar is provided with a suffix via quick fix. It can then be imported into the P6 target database.
Bug fixes:
We have made minor corrections to improve your experience with proimporter. Thanks to your feedback, we were able to identify and fix bugs to ensure the stability and reliability of our software.
Update to proimporter version 23.12.0 now and benefit from the new functions and improvements!
What’s coming next? Stay up to date with our proimporter roadmap for all upcoming features and releases!
Do you have questions? We have the answers!
If you have any questions or suggestions, we are here to help you. Simply use the contact information form or our chat function to get in touch.
Your opinion counts! We are always working on improving our services and offerings for you. Your feedback is very important to us, so please feel free to share your thoughts and participate in our short proimporter survey:
proimporter Webinar – make Project Imports easier!
At regular intervals, we offer a proimporter tool demo (German and English). The next free webinar will take place on January 19, 2024. Registration and further information on the upcoming dates can be found in our event calendar.
Next webinar:
When? 19.01.2024, 09:00 - 09:30 am
Where? Online (FREE)
Language? English